Saturday, November 8, 2008

Day 12

We had to go to the notary this morning before our visit with the kids. We were joined in the office (which was about 120 degrees) by our coordinator, our translator, and two other adoptive couples that we know. After signing countless documents (hopefully we didn't sign away our house or our kids, because all the documents were in Russian) we all went our separate ways to visit with our children.

We had a great time with the kids today! We had pillow fights and Borya made gross eyeballs and boogers with Play Dough. We had wheelbarrow races with Bella and Julia. We taught Julia how to say "Oh snap", so that everytime Borya was about to throw a pillow at her she would say "Oh snap!" before she ducked. I'm sure she'll teach all her little friends at the orphanage how to say it, too. I do believe we just made the world a smaller place.

It's been pretty mild weather since we got here. Unseasonably so. Right now it's raining, but word on the street is that it's going to get cold, and we'll probably get snow tomorrow or the next day. I know, as Fred keeps pointing out to me, that if it turns cold we won't be able to get out and about as easily, but I'm still looking forward to some colder weather and some snow, I just can't help myself.

Speaking of Fred, our coordinator was prepping us for our court statements today. She was explaining the things we would need to include in our statements, one of which was, how long we have ben married. Fred asked her, "How do you say 'too long' in Russian?" Wise guy.

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