By the end of the two hours they looked like they could use a sturdy pack animal to help haul their loot. Good, quality stuff like....
* 3 inch radios with batteries included
never mind that said batteries were oozing acid
* Frisbees
Sorry, "flying discs"
* pill dispensers
what exactly is the message, here?
* refrigerator magnets for Christian summer camps
* t-shirts
* dozens of pencils and pens and little candies
* pamphlets on sexting
practically forced into the hands of B the older and friend M. I didn't think they looked particularly trampy yesterday, but apparently the lady behind the table felt differently.
So of course, now I have 3 large bags full of junk in my house, but it was worth it b/c the kids had fun and
it was FREE.
Afterwards we went to Old Navy in the perpetual pursuit of the perfect skinny jeans. One scored, another struck out. But strike out's spirits were lifted on the way out when she hopped onto the manequin platform and posed, scaring the bejesus out of an employee. She really has the whole manequin thing down. I only wish there was a market for manequin doubles, but alas.....
We ran out to dinner afterwards, we five girls. I missed the exit for the restaurant I wanted, but was able to double back and park in the lot of a hotel next door.
Girls: Why are we parking at this hotel?
Me: Well, I missed the exit and can't get over to the restaurant parking lot. But that's OK, we've just got to hop on down this embankment and we're right there.
Rosie: What if we don't want to hop?
Me: Well, pick the gait of your choice. I'm going to skip.
Rosie: I'm going to gallop.
M: I will unicorn gallop.
Julie: I'll do what Mom is doing.
Bella: Huh....?
We made it to the restaurant, hopping, skipping, galloping, etc, despite the odd stares of those walking in the vicinity.
We walked in the door to a sizable crowd, but the wait time was only about 10 minutes, so we decided to wait it out.
"How many in your party?" the hostess asked.
"Five", I replied.
"And the name?" she inquired.
"Crazy", I said with a straight face.
"Crazy?" asked, she, incredulously.
"Yes, that's right."
So we sat, and we waited, and we were silly, till over the loudspeaker we heard,
"Crazy party of five. Now seating the crazy party of five."
And with great dignity we rose and followed, and took our seats.
When the food came, we dug in, and it was scrumptious. After a few minutes, Rosie said,
"I don't like when the waitress asks us, 'Did everything come out OK?' "
"Why does that bother you?"
"Because I feel like she's asking me about when I went to the bathroom."
I've gotta admit, the girl's got a point.
Click the button to vote for me. It'll all come out OK. I promise.
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