Call me cheesy. Call me hopelessly optimistic. But I'm all for them.
I love the New Year the way I love mornings. Not that I actually like dragging myself out of bed before the sun is up. It's just that I love the whole blank slate thing. The promise of a day full of promise.
It's like that with New Years. I can think of areas of my life where I have fallen short of my goals, of things I want to improve. And then I can dream of making it all perfect. If I can dream up a resolution, I can hope for all things in my life going just the way I want them.
Things like:
1) Getting in shape.
2) Getting all aspects of my life ORGANIZED.
3) Finding an agent for my book.
4) Making time for creativity.
Hey. A girl can dream, can't she?
What are your resolutions?
I resolve to make it into the Top 10 on Top Mommy Blogs. I've been as close as 14 (or was it 12???). Help make my dream come true by clicking this brown button every day. Thanks!
Image courtesy: health.com
I don't think you will make it into the top ten today. For some reason the brown button link isn't showing up on the blog right now. Either that, or I'm having computer troubles, which is entirely possible? I do normally see your link button and gladly click though! Happy New Year to you and the whole family!
Thanks, Ali!!! The button is not showing up on mine, either, don't know what's up with that. Hopefully they'll fix it soon.
Happy New Year to you and yours!
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