Wow. It has been wayyyyy too long since I have advocated for any kids in need of adoptive homes, or discussed adoption issues. Let's get back on track, shall we?
Names: Christopher, Mercedez
Status: Available
Ages: 8, 7
Race: African American/Black
Gender: 1 male, 1 female
State: North Carolina
About the Siblings
Christopher is a sweet and mild tempered little boy who gets along well with just about everyone and is passionate about trains! Christopher enjoys playing with his electric train set and he also likes to watch TV shows and read books about trains. When he plays outdoors, Christopher stays active running, jumping and riding his bike.
Mercedez is an adorable, confident, and friendly girl. Even though she enjoy dolls and coloring, Mercedez is not a girlie girl; she likes rough and tumble play and is a spunky girl who wants things to go her way. She is a fast learner and is quickly catching up in academics.
Christopher and Mercedez enjoy new experiences, and have recently gone swimming and to the State Fair for the first time in their young lives. They are thriving in their current foster home due to the love, structure and consistency their foster parents provide them. Christopher and Mercedez require lots of attention, nurturing and love.
These two love each other dearly and are very attached, so their committee is looking for a family in which they can be the youngest children to get the attention they deserve. Ideally, they are looking for a two parent family who can work with them patiently as they transition from the foster home where they have bonded well, to their new adoptive home. Any family considered should have previous parenting experience. Christopher and Mercedez express a desire for and level of comfort with African American parents. If there are older siblings in the adoptive home, there should be a significant age difference between Christopher and Mercedez and the other children. Christopher would do well with an older sibling, particularly an older brother. Christopher and Mercedez's relationship with their younger siblings is extremely important to them so this connection needs to remain consistent and stable.
To learn more about this pair of sweeties, go to this page on the Adopt US Kids website.
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What to Make for a Potluck
10 hours ago
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