PTO President?
The respect and admiration of my kids?
#1 Top Mommy Blogger?
Not even.
I won the prestigious Adoption Funnies award that my adoption agency ran on their Facebook page.
I know, right?
Jealous much?
Seriously, I was pleased as punch b/c it means I won a $50 gift card to a restaurant of my choice.
I picked the Melting Pot b/c I went there once with Fred and loved it, but it would be tres cher to take the whole fam-damily.
The gift card might, might make it do-able.
If not....
Here's the entry that won me fame and fortune....
We had been in Kazakhstan about a week (of the month we would be stationed there) to adopt our two kids James and Julie, ages 13 and 10. Travelling with us was our daughter Bella, 11 years old and a bit on the special needs end of things. We had made this same trip five years earlier to adopt her from this very city of Ust Kamenogorsk, Kazakhstan. She was, needless to say, beyond excited to return to the land of her birth and was having the time of her life.
One day, when my husband and I were discussing something adoption-related as we ate lunch in our hotel room, we mentioned something about being in Kazakhstan. At that, Bella looked up at us and said, "Wait. We're in Kazakhstan?"
We answered, "Why yes, darlin', where did you think we were?"
"I don't know," she replied, "Maryland?"
My husband and I shared a good laugh over this one, and delighted in the idea of saving many future vacation dollars by travelling with the kids about an hour from home but telling them they were in some exotic locale.
Click to vote for me! I might win ....
oh nothing, but it would make me feel better about myself if I moved up a notch or two.
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